Sunday, 17 November 2019 22:23

Staying Safe is a Walk in the Park

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People seek out parks because they provide contact with the natural environment and a social environment which offers opportunities for meeting with friends, watching others and being seen – all of which help to establish a feeling of comfort and security.


Keeping park and recreation facilities safe is key to community wellness and has a direct relationship to their usage rate. Parks and reserves are natural environments and can be unpredictable. You should plan your journey for all weather conditions. Here are a few general tips to help you stay safe when visiting parks:

For Emergencies

  • In an emergency, dial Triple Zero (000).
  • Download the Leelou app before you leave home. It will help emergency services to locate you using your smartphone's GPS. 
  • Don't be a predictable target. Alter your routes and your starting times and don't post your itinerary on social media.
  • Always be aware of current park news and remember that during a total fire ban no fires may be lit at all.

For Weather

  • Check the Bureau of Meteorology website for up-to-date information on current weather conditions.
  • Stay sun safe. If you're outdoors, wear a wide-brimmed hat and sunscreen and be sure to take care of children as well.
  • Stay on the running paths. Never venture off to unsecured areas or run on the edges of tree lines.

When Exploring a Park

  • During your visit, please follow directions from park rangers - it will be for your safety.
  • Before you go, study the park map to see where the exits, visitors centers, and emergency call boxes are located.
  • Don't walk or run alone. Consider joining a group or a friend to exercise together.
  • Keep to marked tracks and designated visitor areas, be aware of your own limitations and supervise children.
  • If you're heading off for a walk, ensure you and all members of your group are comfortable with the activity, and that you’re prepared for all possible weather conditions. Before embarking on a long bushwalk in remote locations, tell a family member and the local park office of your timings and location.

With Wildlife, Pests, and Insects

  • Always remember that wildlife is just that – wild. If an animal feels cornered or trapped, it will protect itself. We ask you not to feed wildlife as it may change their behavior towards humans, and possibly lead to aggression.
  • If you are threatened by wildlife –stay calm, keep eye contact, back away, do not run.
  • In a natural environment, there is sometimes no escape from pests including mosquitoes, ticks, and insects. Be sure to wear appropriate clothing to prevent bites, spray clothing and exposed skin with an insect repellent and reapply as directed, particularly if camping - and be sure to close that tent flap at night.
Read 3052 times Last modified on Tuesday, 10 December 2019 03:24
Jerry Farsoun

Jerry Farsoun, a social entrepreneur who for more than a decade has been championing the personal safety space using technology.

In 2008 he set the world aviation record for the longest solo and unassisted ultralight flight in a powerchute around mainland Australia. This was to help reduce the stigma and raise awareness of depression with an emphasis on suicide prevention.

He spent the near decade researching technology to help people who felt vulnerable and in 2015, began developing a platform that helped anyone who was in need and may not be in a postion to put a call out for help.

He was nominated for Australian of the Year in 2017 and his company was a finalist in Business of the Decade in 2018.

The personal safety platform is called Leelou launched on the AppStores in 2018 is keeping us safer anywhere, anytime by always being available to provide immediate personal protection so we can enjoy some of the freedoms to live as we choose.

You can learn more about Jerry on his website